Monday, November 10, 2014

Ancestral Connection: My Flight with The Crow

~Life Paths~
Animal Totems & Earth Medicine

Spirit of Crow

Night descends upon the ancient forest as a silky shawl of midnight blue,
settling over all that she encounters upon her journey,
she leaves everything she touches changed in
the shimmering veil of her silver light.
Perched atop the hard surface of granite boulders that dot the mountainside,
Crow stands, head cocked to the side, affording him a gaze
of the moon, as she rides the pathway
of the autumn sky.
From the beginning of the time when ~Great Spirit~ transformed Crow
from the  form of a two-legged, to the shape he now wears,
Crow has dwelled simultaneously in Two Worlds,
one of the earth & the other of the sky.
He is the Watcher that has observed we of the Two-Legged
as we walk along the Red Road of Physical Life.
He stands, ever vigilant, at the Gateway between shadow and light,
watching for the Soul that is beginning to Unfold, and then,
with a beckoning call, black wings touch our face,
and we Journey with him, flying from
the Night of denial, and awakening
with acknowledgments Day.

  Wolfs Moon

Saturday, March 3, 2012


It was laid centuries before
After being birthed into existence
Long before Creation began
That in Man shall The Way begin and end
And the second Adam lived it in the face of Death
Uniting the poles, conciling the Separation
Man is the body of God; in him is life

Every in-breath is an intake of Source-ry
As God feeds his temple hydroponically
Man's eye is his in-let to Sangri La
Beholding in delightful exquisite, his beautifully perfect handiwork
In a complete at-one-ment with Nature
Observing the Universe cascade vistas of Divine realities
Connected to both the plant and animal kingdoms in the NOW

I, even I, remember The Way
As I relive the Word of the Messiah
It dawns on me to walk no other path but mine
For this is my purpose, that I live this Life
With full knowledge of my Divinity
That I have neither beginning nor end
And by being the I Am That I Am,
I eternally manifest the Father of All That Is -- MY WAY.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Before Man begins this spirit walk, make him learn, send him help.
Find the lost soul and describe to him the right way
Uphold his hand whilst aboard the planet ship, meet his needs;
Grant him peace and set him free from your judgment.
Unite him to his soul family wherever they are on Earth.
Draw him closer to the beauty of nature so he can commune with the Creator
If in his weakness you find your courage to love, love him unconditionally.

As you send him home take his hand in yours and squeeze it gently
Wash him from the dirt he's gathered when he was lost
Remind him he was only lost never abandoned, not rejected
Put a fine raiment on him and keep him clean all the way
Let Light shine on the path he sees ahead of him.
Expand the vistas so he may see and read signs of where he is going.
Now, the found shall respond to the bidding of the Creator.

Whilst Man is buying his time, teach him the way of Love
Purify his consciousness from all knowledge of sin.
Refrain him from eating from the Forbidden Tree - knowledge of good and evil.
In his silence, listen to his heart and hear the thoughts as they speak
For in there, Man has nothing to hide.
Teach him our language, to utter his mouth to our hearing.
Send him his rib that is put in that image of Eve.

Then warn Man a new race covets our planet
And they are justified to take over with immediate effect.
Their kind the prophets spoke of from ancient of days:
The first borns of creation are to shine forth as the sun
In the kingdom prepared for them by their Father,
 Earth has willed to bear the cost; we wait to look into Death's eye alive
Caution him not to be deceived as being punished by God for getting lost;

For the restitution shall be very violent, it shall be called the Great Tribulation
A colossal unleash of evil that terrorize believers and non believers alike.
The Earth shall be destroyed to make way for the New Earth.
But tell the found he is the new breed - His body is the Temple!
He's been sent here to execute the will as running the king's errand.
Tell him to inquire from his temple the essence of his unstoppable mission
The Gods cannot stop it. We are at the gates of the Kingdom they promised Man...

Monday, May 16, 2011


I beckon The Hearing a moment to be heard for I need to speak
I need not seek attention for the Light meets me where I am.
I am naked before the Throne, my privacy is invaded, I have no word to hide.
Why should the destiny of the world I belong to be decided without me?
And I've been here all this time living every moment of it;
Grumbling and praising, falling and rising, failing and succeeding
I gave my life to be here so I can say this:

Let the philosopher assume the rulership
Let the prophet know the times in which he lives so he can exhort the people
Let the healer touch with the heart bent on healing
Unleash the teacher's passion in his art of teaching
Let rains fall on the crops on the tilled soils so the harvest shall be bounty
Let the overlord take stock of the lands the King apportioned him
When the queen talks, let her words be allowed into the discerning ear.

Close the law books and open the first chapter of Love
Mount edifices so magnificent for repository of wisdom.
Keep the pilgrim's paths pliable with speed and in safety
From the seashores through the lands to the stargates in the skies.
Harness all resources like worshipping a deity for indeed so they are.
Let Man know his sojourn in this plane ends to begin anew.
 And build the ladder on which we shall ascend into the higher dimensions.

In the politics of men let the philosopher be king
Let the warrior be the sentinel, to keep watch over the kingdom
Kindly say to the server his service abounds for much
Pay well the scholar to scribe the records
Hark! the exhortations of the priests as they sing, lament and preach
When the artisan is at work, grant him no disturbance
And please listen when the sage interjects you even rudely.

Set the server free from bondage so he can serve with inspiration;
Commend artisans to design creation instead of artifices.
In their expressions, let the priest move away from zeal and toward compassion;
Sages must not be lost in their gift of jab and orate but speak spiritedly.
Scholars shall neutrally assimilate knowledge to prove all theory.
In their actions warriors must apply persuasion rather than coercion;
And kings shall rule with mastery but not in tyranny.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Now I allowed the owl to turn my neck swiftly
My eyes tilted from my back to behold that which is in front of me.
I looked and opened were the gates of the Temple
The corridor into the holy of holies is paved with crystal balls;
Gleaming like a river of precious stones as on it the Light falls.
Even in the horizon there's no end to this pavement
For it ends in eternity. But eternity has no end.

In the midst of the Hearing a throne stands tall.
And none but Light is seated on it. Light thrown into the rhetoric
At every agreement a thunderous ramble echoes from the smoky mountain.
And all and sundry give a heavy sigh. What must happen must happen.
I feel attention push me forward that I may behold the Light
For until Man is on The Throne, the ramblings shall not stop.
To quiet the chaos, Man must respond to the call.

As I look I see the lost found and the dead rise, again;
I see fear give birth to hope, and hate invite love;
I see a divided people unite and lose to gain;
I see learning arrive at knowing with the cup of knowledge running over;
I see disease vanish into thin air whilst prosperous health abounds;
I see lack disappearing as abundance come to the common place;
I see night fuse with day resulting in timelessness.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath
The air is crisp, pure and clean for the first time.
The waters taste so fresh, quenching every known thirst
The foliage gives its bounty, super-abundance of everything edible.
I sense the smell of the fragrances that diffuse from the plants
I feel the Light which is neither sunshine nor moonlight.
Nature at its best - The Kingdom cometh!

I eavesdrop as the Creator explains to God his new love for Man;
I hear God and Man reconcile the East and the West.
I hear evil and good bury their differences for peace to prevail.
I hear a jazzy staccato of swords being beaten into plowshares
I hear the Devil as he makes his last plea only to be universally refused;
In the tranquility, I hear fishes swim the seas and birds flap their wings;
Then I hear in the silence, a melodious cry of my fellow New Borns.

Friday, February 4, 2011


A nightingale came singing one sunshine as I was listening
She brought me a pile of songs to soothe my mind
For it is at the brink of being swallowed up by poplar opinion
The lines keep me centered and calms my excited nerves
To say what I must say at the hearing, my head must be laid to rest
So in the chaos, the nightingale brings sweet songs that quiet spirit
In the lines are every word Man understand so I can know them better.

The days went by like a swamp of flies passing overhead
I lived with men in the age where crystal was made out of dirt
A new age where getting the first word is the order of the day
In this world I found use of my courage to say my mind
The persistence paved way, a way that leads into the holy of holies
So I learned to speak with conviction; telling it from my core being, my true voice.

My stay has been a blessing, men are prepared to hear me speak
First I must let them know I know them from high above
I know their ways, their fears, their hopes, their joy, and their pain.
I tread the cosmopolis and smoke the pipe with the seventh-old.
He teaches me all I need to know in the politics of men
He reads me a line in their genesis; the creature from mud - living the breath.
He quotes me Prophecy heralding the coming Kingdom beyond imagination.

 At their highest academy,  a friend took my hand to where they send air on a mission.
A small cave atop the rulers' block where ether is tapped and harnessed for Man's use
A natural harvest of spirited echoes that scream to the Temple's holy of holies.
This medium, the gatekeeper would not see me to demand a requisition.
For the word goes uncharted into the hearing to deliver the missive.
All that is required is the voice behind them; the voice of he who says it as it is.

A group of fellow lost soul listened, they gave an instant hearing!
To them the Voice came that they may hear what the spirits say.
"We love to hear you speak," the other birds assured the crow.
To this day opportunity seek my voice; and they come in slurry disguises.
I must know which one leads to what, I must watch their coming.
At long last I am granted the attention I asked for.
Given me at a cost that I paid for free; so I can let it be told free of charge.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


As I continued to look, I loved to stay. So I stayed on my own accord.
A disjointed couple took me in, offered me sanctuary from the harsh world
The hours ran into days, the blurb of flesh matured into a full grown Man
I must seek my friends, for them I stayed, so we could go for the answer together
To make the gatekeepers let me in; to grant me hearing in the holy of holies.
To walk the spirit so the answer may be made manifest to free us all
Those among us who need to be attended to so to speak.

So to make for lost time, I created for myself a powerful web of friendship
I knocked on the door of knowledge, keeper of Man's written code and he let me in.
I traded for courage but I was paid with betrayal, yet I still bought it.
To make up for the many trusts I have lost, I valued to guard the little left with care
A fellowship of men sensed my quest so we can get to the answers together
So willing to hear me speak, they do allow me a place in their hearts
A love bond that gods and kings fight over; the bond called friendship.

The owl flaps her wings and brought forth a serene breeze
Beautiful laughter fills the air as a pair of fair eyes meet mine
Daughters of Eve natured in ebony like the brown soil
Necks as swan but sturdier like trunks of beach coconuts
As the evening sun sets on them their skin glitter like gold
With strong graceful steps they walk as panting; their strength match that of men
I made them my most intimate friend, in them I have no shame.

Then too, I have men who are not ashamed to call me their Man.
The best I can be to them is to be grateful for their trust and be the best I can be
To lead them the word I speak is written; where the word they hear is created
Stored in the upper chamber where moth and thieves can't reach
In a chest not by the hands of Man, delicately superb and simply awesome!
Look into the binocular eyes of the owl, the messenger totem.
The winged one who thrives on air to  and offers insights beyond illusion.

To be prepared for the hour, I must learn to speak like spirit
No one offered to teach me how so I must teach myself and still at a cost
When men gather I must go for the opportunity to speak
It began in the chapel, to the learning house, and on to places men make merry
Here the cost was saying what they want to hear, according to their code.
But I incessantly speak my mind, and they continually send me reprimands.
Know them not that to know me well, I must speak my mind?